9C, Sunset Lane 5, DHA Phase II (Ext.) Karachi

+92 300 9227422

PEST OFF  acquired industry-leading expertise in dealing with pest infestations in Pakistan, giving the chance to provide amazing pest control information and guidance to residential and commercial clients.

Why Pest Control?

An incredibly huge task is controlling pests. Pest extermination provides protection against damaging insects that can cause public health problems and costly property damage.

Typically, when people understand “pest management” or “pest control,” they think about termites, lizards, or fleas being eradicated.

The safety of our life quality, our food, and the preservation of our assets are clearly involved in pest control. For the safety of the general public, it is extremely important to have a control system for pests.


Why Choose Us

PEST OFF  is a leading company in Pakistan. At Pest Off, we pride ourselves on treating our staff and customers like members of our family, and because of this philosophy, we’ve become a trusted resource in our community.

We understand that it is distressing to discover pests in your home or company. Karachi’s high-density population offers what they really need, food sources and safe harbors, vermin such as rats, mice, and pests such as mosquitoes, termites, clothing moths, and nuisance birds. Our team of specialists in pest control in the capital work to ensure that you have a home or office free of pests.


We provide a complete range of services for pest removal and control that can help get rid of squirrels, rodents, foxes, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, wasps, and many other types of pests.

Our services cover all types of housing. We can offer a fully tailor-made pest control service, whether you are a family homeowner or a landlord.

PEST OFF appreciates how difficult it is when pests invade your home and want to help you get rid of them as quickly as possible. And with as little disruption to your daily routine as possible.


Because you have pests, your integrity, along with damage to stock and property, is at great risk. Our team at PEST OFF   Pest Control provides a full range of pest removal and control services for business and commercial premises in Karachi.


Our trained and dedicated pest technicians will visit your site and offer professional advice and guidance. It makes sense that you want to learn about your facilities from your clients, not the problems you’ve had with pests.


We will review our equipment every time we brought and provide replacements if needed. Your property will receive a monitoring system that tracks pests as part of the contracts we provide. It will also help you to develop a discreet method that can be used by your staff to report instances of pests.


PEST OFF  has products with a proven track record of results and individuals committed to increasing your profit potential, whether your specific area is residential, commercial, pre-construction, or post-construction.


PEST OFF  continues to invest in the research and development of new pest control products and services that improve the quality of life of people around the world, driven by the principles of innovation, sustainability, and collaboration.


We are moving beyond the best chemicals of yesterday to provide better ways for pest control to succeed today.


   9C, Sunset Lane 5, DHA Phase-II (Ext.) Karachi



   +92 300 9227422
   +92 332 3197974


   +92 300 8637909

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    Pest Control services Professionals

    September 26, 2021 at 6:32 pm Reply

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