Dr. Rafiq Tareen Skin Enhancement Clinic

14-C, 8th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Boulevard, Near Zamzama Mall, Phase V DHA, Karachi, Pakistan


11.00 Am to 5.00- pm Sunday closed


Dr. Rafiq Tareen

Dr. Rafiq Tareen Pathan is a renowned dermatologist and practicing his profession for 10 years. He is a graduate of Liaquat Medical College and has completed his masters in Dermatology from the University of Glasgow UK. He has provided his services in USA, UK, and the Middle East and is a consultant dermatologist to the Bhutto Family. He has provided consultation to many popular faces of Bollywood like Sushmita Sen and A.R Rehman.

Dermatological Treatment Services

Dr. Rafiq Tareen provides a vast array of clinical services including Botox treatment, laser hair removal, skin tightening, removal of the benign lesion and giant benign, and acne scars treatment. He is the pioneer of cryotherapy.

Our treatments improve skin appearance and your skin becomes soft and smooth. Botox relaxes the muscle and corrects the lines of expression like frown lines, laugh lines, wrinkles, and forehead lines. We use Allergen brand of Botox and after our Botox treatment, the skin becomes smoother.

Acne can affect women and men of any age group. It is a chronic condition that must be treated and managed properly. We offer acne treatment that removes the root cause of acne and gives you clearer skin. Our acne procedures are the most advanced one and the results are observed within 6 t0 8 weeks.

Get in Touch

We use highly advanced equipment for dermatology treatments involving cosmetic problems of the face, skin, and body. All our procedures and lasers are FDA approved. For further details, contact us on the given number and book your appointment.


Skin Fillers
PRO (Vampire Face Lift)
UVB Phototherapy
ACNE Procedure – No ACNE in 4 to 6 Weeks
Laser Hair Removal – Using FDA Approved Lasers Only
Glycolic Acid Peel
Non-Surgical Face Lift – by advanced Lasers
Lasers for Natural hair growing therapy results in 8 to 12 Weeks
Laser for Vitiligo & Eczema

Laser & Cryotherapy (Freezing) for Warts, Skin Tags, Moles Removal
Advanced FDA Approved Lasers Treatments:

CO2 Fractional Resurfacing, Acne Scars, Stretch Marks, Skin Tightening, Tummy Tightening. Brand Lutronic Laser.
IPL Fractional Laser Mattioli III for laser hair removal, ACNE, ACNE Scars, skin tightening, body contouring.
Mittoli II for fair complexion pigmentation Malasma ACNE laser hair removal.
We use Nd YAG Cutera for laser Hair Removal I Pulse 200 – for ACNE, Pigmentation, Laser Hair Removal
Business Details
Owned By
Dr. Rafiq Tareen Pathan ( Dermatologist )

Business Headings
Cosmetic Surgeons
Hair Care Products & Treatment
Laser Hair Removing

Contact Details:

14-C, 8th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Boulevard, Near Zamzama Mall, Phase V, DHA, Karachi.

0342-2410756, 0344-2474498

11.00 am to 5.00- pm Sunday closed

Dr Rafiq Tareen

Dr. Rafiq Tareen

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