Beautiful Places in Pakistan for Tours

Beautiful Places in Pakistan for Tours

Beautiful Places in Pakistan for Tours

Pakistan is a beautiful country. The Almighty has bestowed numerous features upon the beautiful places in Pakistan for tours. In the north, there is no shortage of hilly, mountainous terrain. Even a single trip to this natural wonderland is sure to make anyone its lover, forever. Towards the south, a large coastline exists. This vast coastline stretches all the way between two neighbouring countries and is filled with beaches. The eastern side is home to lush vegetation and fertile land. The west consists of beautiful, lone, empty deserts.

Among the endless list of spots Pakistan has to offer, here are a few Beautiful Places in Pakistan for Tours that will surely satisfy even the most adventurous.


Hunza is a mountainous, hilly valley situated in the Gilgit Region. It was a royal state in the past. Through the Hunza valley flows the Hunza River that has an elevation of 2500 meters. The valley is divided into three regions; Upper, Central and Lower Hunza. Hunza has many base camps. These camps are among the beautiful places in Pakistan for tours, visited by all travellers and adventurers around the world. This place is a must see when coming to Pakistan.

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Kaghan is a valley located at the lower base of the Himalayas. This place is famous due to its abundance of natural features and clear rivers. Being part of the Himalayas, it has a close proximity to many large mountain ranges. This place is favoured by mountaineers and tourists alike.



Jhelum Valley

Jhelum valley is a small, fertile region located near Azad Kashmir. It is known for its beautiful greenery and healthy livestock. This place is more of a village than a mountain range, but this makes it all the more interesting to come here.

Jhelum Valley Pakistan

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