Mid City Hospital
Mid City Hospital has been established with super specialty departments that are operational round the clock. A pool of extremely talented and renowned consultants serves their patients here. This hospital is providing world class and top grade medical facilities and in this way it rivals the finest hospitals in the country.
Mid City Hospital has been established with various super specialty departments that are operational round the clock. This hospital is planned for a captive capacity of 100 beds with in-house state of the art equipments.
Mid City Hospital Services & Faculties
- Surgical Services
- General Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- IVF and Fertility
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Day Care Surgery
- Urology
- Obesity Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Peadiatrics Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Medical Services
- General Medicine
- Paediatrics
- Gasteroentrology
- Nephrology
- Consultants
Contact Information
Mid City Hospital
Address: 3-A Shadman II, Jail Road Opposite Kinaird College,
Tel: (042) 35407131-6
Mobile: 0300-8482624
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